
Showing posts from January, 2018

CALL FOR PARTNERSHIP - Let's build together a "user centric" digital ecosystem

My first blog post for C3L Security is a call for partnership for a survey. As part of an ETST STF contract I am working (User Centric Approach in the Digital Ecosystem) on there is requirement for data to be collected and I have been asked to share the calls for others groups and organisations to see if they would be interested  in carrying out the surveys or posting links them on their sites in order for this survey to gather data from a wide range of different users. The goal of the survey is to gather information of user experience and interaction with digital services and ecosystem they are used in. Also, the survey will consider, security with Risk of Uncontrolled Usage (security risks, confidentiality risks, juridical risk) and Quality of Experience. There are three groups of users the survey aims to cover: (A) sedentary or mobile consumers, (B) business users, (C) users with special needs.  If your business or organ...