
Showing posts from August, 2019

Due Diligence in Cybersecurity

Introduction Due diligence can be defined as an action that is considered reasonable for people or businesses to be expected to take to keep themselves or others and their assets safe from harm. Due diligence is often associated with legal matters and corporate acquisitions. As cybersecurity moves slowly beyond being technology and encryption focused to include other specialists making use of due diligence to aid in protecting company assets and to mitigate risks is vital. So what is cybersecurity due diligence? The term has been defined as “the review of the governance, processes and controls that are used to secure information assets.” Such due diligence obligations may exist between states, between non-state actors (e.g., private corporations), and between state and non-state actors. This blog will examine the issues surrounding due diligence in cybersecurity and why they are vital to preve...

Applying lessons from NASA to Cybersecurity

Introduction The subject of this applying lessons from NASA to cybersecurity might seem like an odd choice but there are a few reasons I chose this route. Firstly, why use NASA and not some other science and engineering organisation? I have always admired and enjoyed reading and learning about the work of NASA with particular topics being the now-retired Space Shuttle Programme, the still going Voyager  satellites and NASA's research into Astrobiology. (an interdisciplinary scientific field concerned with the origins, early evolution, distribution, and future of life in the universe). Also, by using an area of work in this related to NASA can provide a different take on problems we are trying to solve. By looking at seemingly, unrelated areas we can find new ideas or ways of thinking about a problem. Over the past ten years, NASA through their website has released various ebooks for free covering various topics including history, aeronautics science ...