Securing Artificial Intelligence ISG early Public Drafts of Work Items Update 1
The 4 latest drafts of WI-001,002, 003, 004, 005 and 006 are now publicly available on the open area
Draft GR 001 AI Threat Ontology v0.0.6
Draft GR 002 Data Supply Chain v0.0.5
Draft GS 003 Security Testing of AI v0.0.5
Draft GR 004 SAI Problem Statement v0.0.8
Draft GR 005 SAI Mitigation Strategy report v.0.0.12
Draft GR 006 Hardware in Securing AI v0.0.3
I would encourage anyone interested in the problems and solutions to ensuring secure AI to check these out. These are early drafts and the documents will change over time. Also, if you have feedback, comments or questions please send them to ETSI and they will be forwarded to SAI group. Finally, if these have piqued your interest and you would like to get involved with the work of SAI details about joining the ISG can be found on the ETSI site.
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