
Showing posts from November, 2017

ETSI and eHealth

I'm trying to get a white paper published through ETSI on why standards are important to eHealth. I've extracted a part of the introduction here prior to the publication by ETSI. As is indicated in the acknowledgements of the draft (and which will hopefully be retained after the publication editing process) this has been supported by the UNCAP project. I've taken a few liberties in modifying the introduction section here mainly to remove the self referential bits. What I've tried to retain is the primary argument which you'll see expanded in the white paper when it's published. Introduction There are approximately 7.5 billion people living on our planet [1] . Those people will collectively live for some 547.5 billion years [2] , and will classify themselves as unwell for a not insignificant percentage of that time. Even a few days of illness, or feeling poorly, means that the health networks need to be ready to treat several hundred million years of illn...

Thoughts on ITS ...

A few years ago I wrote a contribution to a book on ITS and I looked at security aspects. I've revisited what I wrote then and offer a very slightly updated summary of my introduction to the chapter. Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are a specialised subset of machine-to-machine communications in a software driven and all-connected world. There are a number of dimensions of ITS and different authors may present different lists of them but for the purposes of examining the security issues this list will suffice: Advanced Traveller Information Systems (ATIS), Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS), ITS-Enabled Transportation Pricing Systems, Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS), Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Integration (VII), and, Vehicle-to-Vehicle Integration (V2V) Co-operative ITS (C-ITS) sits in this list as a special case of both VII and V2V, with the functionality of C-ITS centred on the exchange of data between co-operating ITS stations. My v...