Examples of reports of Human Skeletal Analysis studies
Follow up to introduction Anthropology blog post. As part of my Applied Sciences by Research MSc I had undertake an Extended Dissertation along with supporting modules. I conducted research on a collection of Roman human remains as part of the MSc. When search as part of a dissertation based on human skeletal remains you are expected to be thorough and extract as much information about the individuals as possible. I had a whole year for my research I was told to study a minimum of twenty aiming for twenty-five skeletons. In the end I analysed twenty-seven individuals made up of twenty four adults and three infants. With at least two days per individual to carry out the human skeletal analysis. Also, four of the individuals I arranged to be loaned temporally to the university from the museum I was carrying out the research at to conduct a nice detailed analysis on the remains due the native of their burials. Primarily for the examination of cu...