The Reasons Why Standards and Technical Organisations need Greater Diversity
Introduction For some people the topic of this blog post they may find unnecessary because either they think these are non-issues or ideologically driven as some sort of social justice warrior (SJW) agenda. Hopefully, I endeavour in this post not come across like that but raise new ideas and viewpoints and widen the conversion about why as groups of people and companies connected to standards and technical organisations need to consider greater diversity. Firstly, I will not be naming any organisations in this post because of this not a call-out to name and shame. Secondly, I do realise quite a few organisations already have plans in place to broaden the diversity of their workforce already either through their members or their support staff. Finally, these ideas came about from my attendance of meetings, conferences and workshops where I kept thinking to myself the majority of the time the make-up of these are mostly older men who have been around for twenty plus years and they litt...